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Saturday, 15 October 2022, 13:30

Ecopolis 2022: Multiple (hi)stories, Multiple futures

For it's eight edition the annual meet-up for a sustainable future focuses on unheard stories that depict a new way of living.

Brussels Summer Assembly
Monday, 04 July 2022, 10:00

Brussels2030 Summer Assembly (4 - 8 juli)

Vijf dagen boordevol keynotes, panels, labs en artistieke voorstellingen ter voorbereiding op de kandidatuur van Brussel als Culturele Hoofdstad.

JL Again
Tuesday, 14 June 2022, 09:30

Dashboards en digitale perspectieven op gezondheid

Deze workshop onderzoekt de rol van data en dashboards binnen het gezondheidsbeleid.

Roeland Fossen
Tuesday, 14 September 2021, 20:00

Een vrouwelijk vizier

AflamNa (2020 - 2023)

Vrouwelijke filmmakers en programmatoren gaan aan de hand van films uit de Maghreb en het Midden-Oosten in gesprek over vrouwen en film.

swamp kill
Tuesday, 19 October 2021, 20:00

Radical Botany

A Series of More-Than-Human Encounters

During this evening, artists and researchers explore the speculative tradition of plant fiction, called 'Radical Botany'.

Silvia Naef
Thursday, 27 May 2021, 10:00

Silvia Naef: Islam et images – une relation complexe

Critical Thinking within Islam

In her online lecture and accompanying text, art historian Silvia Naef reflects on the relationship between religion, images and art within Islam.

Leïla Tauil
Thursday, 29 April 2021, 10:00

Leïla Tauil: Féminismes arabes séculiers et voilement du corps des femmes dans le processus de la réislamisation

Critical Thinking within Islam

Leïla Tauil elaborates on the secular feminist movements in the Arab world and the place of women in the different discourses.

Michiel Leezenberg
Friday, 26 February 2021, 10:00

Michiel Leezenberg: Inleiding tot de filosofische traditie binnen de islam

Critical Thinking within Islam

Dutch philosopher Michiel Leezenberg demonstrates the tradition of religious criticism and philosophical freethinking in classical Islam.

Nandipha Mntambo, Europa (2008)
Thursday, 25 March 2021, 20:00

On Race, Species and Becoming Human

A Series of More-Than-Human Encounters

Zakiyyah Iman Jackson shares with us her innovative thinking on the intricate relations between race, species and the idea of ‘the human’.

©Marta Bogdańska/APP; licence: CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0
Monday, 08 March 2021, 20:00

Privacy Through the Lenses of Race and Gender

In her lecture on International Women's Day, Anita L. Allen elaborates on privacy through the lenses of race and gender.